The McKenzie's Official world tour site
# Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Oklahoma City Pics - Christmas 2008

Here are a few more pictures to keep you all going -while we retrieve the photos that

were in the rest of the back blogs - sorry for any inconvenience - we hope to have this

 corrected as soon as possible!


     Apollo 14 - Lunar Rock - out of             Christmas Day 2008-in Nessie!

      this world!!



       "The End of the Trail"                       We said hello to John Wayne.



           Those are some Horns!                           Jemma and a cougar.                      Oklahoma Capitol Building.



              Our civilised journey!                                     "Yum Yum!!"                                  This is some horse box!

Tuesday, 13 January 2009 03:36:19 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #    Comments [0]  USA